“We are not prophets”
Many terms in the English language has interchangeable equivalents and are therefore ripe for semantic juggling tricks! Consider this technique:
• Outright denial of the term.
• Cite Bible as authority, shifting the blame and responsibility; implying reader lacks faith in the Bible and not us.
• Invoke God, and make indistinguishable connection with our organization, implying equal authority.
• Outright admission of the term; obfuscation by using both terms interchangeably.
For example: “We do not make predictions” (We simply forecast)
We do not claim to predict the future. Whilst we keep watch on world events as these fulfil Bible predictions, we will only forecast what such clear Bible prophecies predict. God’s predictions will never fail, and we can have the utmost confidence of the forecasts made by his Organization. Never would we want to reject God’s timely predictions, as forecasted through His Organization.
And as can be seen in the Oxford dictionary, the above paragraph is duplicitous deception.
PREDCITION: A thing predicted; a forecast (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/prediction)
FORECAST: A calculation or estimate of future events (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/forecast)
The same above technique can be (and sadly frequently is) used with the term "prophet" and terms such as "warnings", "light", "God's organization" and so on.